We like to travel. It's really difficult for us to have a day off and not go somewhere. We always have an airline ticket booked for our next trip. (We are working on some great travel plans for 2014!) So when both the Dr. and I had about two weeks off from work and Seminary we decided that even though we wanted to be home on Christmas day we would go on a small trip with the remainder of our time. We thought about going to Miami, the Caribbean or even to Minnesota to see the Dr.'s cousin but we thought and thought too long and then all the airline tickets got too expensive. So we decided on New York. It's a quick 3 1/2 hours away, there is so much to explore and there is no denying that it's pretty magical when they have it all decorated up for the holidays.
On the 26th we headed for the city! In a snow storm. We passed so many car accidents and were slowed down a bit but in the end we made it safe and sound. We even found a parking spot right away! We stayed in the Dr.'s brothers old apartment. They are subleasing it while they are in AZ for a couple years and the people they are leasing it to were going to be out of town for the holidays so we rented it from them. Whew, if you followed that then good for you!
We arrived in the early evening and decided to hit the town for some dinner and sightseeing. Well instead of dinner we got a waffle at the Waffles and Dinges truck. We did eat some pizza later (Pizza Suprema on 8th Ave and 31st- soooooo good!) but you have to get your priorities straight when you're in New York.
This picture really captures our night- freezing cold, Waffles and Dinges, and the city decked out for Christmas! |
The lights and window displays at Macy's |
Time Square. We were bundled up so tight and still cold! |
The first whole day we were in the City we once again showed our priorities by heading straight for the Rockefeller Center Anthropologie. Oh my lands, that place is amazing! I had a gift card (thanks brother!) so I HAD to spend it right? Ok, I may be an Anthro addict. I will admit it. But just look at this place:
This is my happy place |
Other stops of the day included:
The tree at Rockefeller Center |
Ice skaters are Rockefeller Center |
Us at Rockefeller Center |
More Rockefeller Center- Can you tell I love this place! |
Sacs 5th Avenue- the original |
Park Plaza Hotel |
Sandwiches at Num Pang Deli. Despite his face we really did enjoy these sandwiches- you must go there when you are in the City! |
The home of Project Runway- Parsons |
Mood! Just look at all that fabric! |
And some giant nutcrackers near Rockefeller Center |
We went back to the apartment for a couple hours to take a nap before heading out again. We are normally in bed by about 9 PM (the life of Seminary teachers) but we had tickets for a 9:30 showing of the Rockette's Christmas Spectacular. I was so in awe of this show! Every single kick and step was perfectly in sync. I was a dancer for many years, I know how hard it is to get a kick line right. These ladies were perfect- seriously!
This is a chandelier at Radio City Music Hall and it's about 2 stories high! |
They have a great manger scene to conclude the show and there's a live camel or two in there! So amazing! |
Is there anything more magical than this?? Yes, it's Rockefeller Center again. |
With staying out so late we had a lazy morning on Saturday. Our plan was to just wander the West Village/Greenwich Village area all day. But first, breakfast was in order. We had some of the most amazing bagels and cream cheese at this little shop a few blocks away from our apartment. Check this out:
Those are all different cream cheeses. I was in heaven! |
Greenwich village was so much fun, it's has a more small town feel if that is even possible in New York. There were so many quaint little shops, restaurants and there is a whole section of town with Marc Jacobs stores on every corner! We ate Magnolia Bakery cupcakes and had lunch at the Meatball Shop. Can you tell I like food? I think it's one of the best ways to explore a new place.
Meatball Shop- eat the polenta if you ever go there! |
My cousin Valerie ended up being in town for the holidays so we met up with her for some dinner at a pan-Latin restaurant her roommate recommended. It was a little bit of heaven to say the least! It was so good to catch up with my cousin too, she's on my dad's side and there are so many of us all over the country that I rarely get to see them one on one. We walked through Washington Park, caught the subway to Grand Central for Junior's Cheesecake, rode to Columbus Circle and walked up to Lincoln Center and the Temple. We ran into some missionaries who had just whitewashed into Manhattan and looked a little dazed. I feel like we ate all day long but when we got back to the apartment I had no trouble scarfing down my chocolate swirl cheesecake!
Notice how my eyes are closed in all these pictures? I am just classy like that. |
We had such a great time on this little trip. New York really is so magical during the holidays, I love it there! It was nice to take our time and just wander a bit, that's something we haven't had the luxury of doing so much in other trips we've made to New York. We didn't stay for the new year