March 5, 2015

5 Things About Buying Your Own House

I have realized a few things since beginning the process of buying a house:

1. This process is not for the faint of heart.

2. There is no limit to the things I have the ability worry about. Unless I know where the worst case scenario cap is, I can worry to the moon and back about things that are extremely unlikely and over which I have no control.

3. There are SO many moving parts and hoops to jump through when buying a house. I had no idea there were so many people involved from every angle imaginable and then some!

4. There is no point in comparing the price of a house in Boston to that of one in Texas or Utah or Idaho or even California. So what if I could buy three houses in Texas for the price of one here? I don't live in Texas, I won't live in Utah and I'm not sure what the heck we'd do in Idaho so it doesn't matter. Living in a van at the beach in Santa Barbara is still an enticing option however.

5. Buying things for your VERY OWN house is really fun albeit expensive. We bought a washer, dryer and fridge the other week and I felt very grown up.

We are just crossing our fingers and toes that everything continues to go smoothly and that by the end of this month we will be living in our cute little Cape house on Hamilton Road.

Bonus thing I've learned:

I have no idea where the camera lense is on my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Your eyes are speaking a thousand words about joy and fear all rolled into one! Also, I love the idea of a van on the beach. Definitely on my hit list ;-)


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