May 5, 2014

Crochet Attention Deficit Dis... oh look, a new crochet hook

I ordered about 30 balls of bright, inspiring yarn colors in the mail about a month ago.

Since then I have not finished a single project.


Because with names like Saffron, Aster, Lipstick, Fiesta, Fondant, Mocha and Meadow it's total overload for my brain. Who can resist such ostentatious shades! Mix that with my overflowing Pinterest board devoted all things crochet and I have a whole lot of half finished projects.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

And let's not even talk about how I still haven't finished this one:

I went to the craft store the other day determined to walk out with only the 6 sheets of paper I needed but somehow I left with another ball of yarn and a shiny new crochet hook. I have at least two other blankets planned and ready to go. The yarn is just sitting in it's neat little pile waiting for me to pick up a hook and start a flashy new design.

So, which project should I knuckle down and finish first? Should I give in to my Crochet ADD and start a new one? Leave your vote in the comments.

If you're interested in the yarn I purchased, it's a UK brand called Stylecraft and I absolutely love it! You can find it here at an online store called Deramores.


  1. I didn't know you crochet! The puff balls one in blue orange gray and green looks really cool.

    1. I picked up crochet this past November and have been non-stop since then- so addicting! The puffy bobble blanket has taken me much longer than I anticipated, each row takes me over a half an hour to hook. It may never actually get finished...


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