February 11, 2016

Work at Home Mom

When I told my bosses that I was pregnant they were both over the moon excited for me. They have been so supportive, positive and willing to bend over backwards to keep me with the company. I count this as a massive blessing because I know it's not like that for everyone. Before Christopher was born I was working full time as the office administrator for the Woburn office as well as an administrative assistant for the Regional Manager who works out of Rochester. Yes, I am actually the Assistant to the Regional Manager for any fans of The Office.

I have had a lot of feelings about coming back to work and trying to imagine exactly what it would look like in terms of our family and my time with Christopher. In the end I decided it would be best to work part time and do most of my work from home. My role has been split in two and I am now working mostly for the Regional Manager and as a resource for the region as a whole while another part time admin takes care of things in the office every day. It's hard for me to give up some of those responsibilities- I like doing everything and doing it myself- but it allows me to spend the maximum amount of time with Toph which is my very favorite.

The first few days at home were a little tough just because I am used to getting up in the morning, feeding the baby and then both of us getting a nap. Now just Christopher gets a nap and I get a couple hours to work. Add that to Christopher getting his shots on Monday and it made for some long days. He has a pack and play set up in the home office but he doesn't tolerate it for very long so most days he's sitting on my lap while I type with one hand. I can pretty much do everything one-handed these days!

I love that when it's two in the afternoon we can leave the house and go for a walk or that I can send emails from my phone while I am feeding the baby. I had a call with my boss the other day and Christopher woke up from his nap crying. My boss didn't hesitate to let me go calm him down and then call back. Things like that make all the difference.

Last Wednesday was my first day back in the office which means Topher got to go to the babysitter's house for a few hours. I was a little sad to leave him but he's in good hands. It's good for him to be around other kids and in new places. He seemed to enjoy himself:

This week I dropped him off in the middle of the sitter getting her kids out the door for school and he just looked around, closed his eyes and fell asleep before I even left. I love that I get pictures like this throughout the day:

I am so glad he has a little buddy to hang out with.

I know not everyone has the luxury of working from home and that is something I recognize with a lot of gratitude. I am so happy I have a safe, warm, loving place to take my baby when I need to be at the office and that I have coworkers who recognize the value of family. I love getting to stretch different parts of my brain every day and contribute to our family in a variety of ways. 

1 comment:

  1. This makes a lot of sense because you've always reminded me of Dwight. (not really)


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