A few notes on my shopping philosophy:
My number one tip is patience. I set up a list of baby items I wanted to get when I first found out I was pregnant. Then I waited for each of those items to be discounted at least 20% before purchasing. Not everything we got was on sale but when I compared my spreadsheet with what I had budgeted against what I actually spent I ended up saving about 26% overall.
In general I am striving to be a minimalist. We try to maintain a space budget in our house with a one-in-one-out policy for most things we purchase. To me minimalism isn't just owning a small number of items. It's about making sure that what you bring into your home is essential. It's waiting until you have an actual need for something before purchasing. Am I perfect at this? No, but I am trying.
I got some valuable advice from a mother of five who I see as being incredibly frugal and wise with her money; she said to buy nice baby things from the start. After being used for so many kids she says she wishes she would have just bought the things that would make her life easier and lasted longer rather than hobbling along with junk for so long and having to replace certain items with each child. Thomas is an engineer and I work for a bunch of engineers so that, coupled with this advice means we like to get items that maximize efficiency while minimizing cost and stress. Sometimes a nicer item is worth a few extra dollars if you don't have to replace it multiple times over the years.
Where I like to buy things:
I love Amazon, we have a Prime membership which we use the heck out of! I use camelcamelcamel.com to do price trend checks for Amazon items and set alerts for when the price dips below a certain point. I also like to browse discount sites like Gilt.com, Hautelook.com and Zulily.com for baby clothes. You have to be careful to be sure you're getting a good deal but if you're selective you can get some killer value using those sites. I also suggest Craigslist although this requires a lot of patience and emailing but it can totally be worth it if you find a higher price item in good condition for less than retail. Mintarrow.com is a blog that often has alerts to luxury baby items on sale too.
Free is the best price when it comes to baby stuff. Always accept hand me downs. Even if you end up donating 3/4 of it. As I sit in my living room typing this I can see about $150 worth of baby gear that I didn't buy because I don't really care if my baby boy has a purple Bumbo chair or a used play gym. So many people have basements full of baby gear and clothes that they are willing to unload if you are willing to take it.
Baby stuff
You only need a few things for a newborn- somewhere for them to sleep, a way to feed them, diapers, a car seat and a few clothes. The baby merchandise industry tells you there are a thousand more things you need and some of them definitely make your life easier but again, we are aiming for minimalism here. The list below is really just the things I had for him when he arrived or purchased shortly after. I might do another post at 6 months with things he's been loving as he grows.
My favorites are the 100% cotton ones though. I had a bunch of the organic bamboo ones but they are too silky to be effective swaddles. Topher would slide right out of them and break a swaddle in minutes. The cotton ones have a little more grip to them? I don't know if that's the right word but I can swaddle much tighter and they don't slide all over the place. I think the organic bamboo ones will be great cuddle blankets when he's a little older because they are just so silky soft!
Crib - I planned to have our baby sleep in the pack and play in our room when he was really little but it turns out that he's never slept in there. I was a little nervous about it not being a flat surface so we put him in the crib in his nursery from day one and he's been fine. His crib is only about 12 feet from our bed so we just leave our bedroom door and the nursery door open and we can hear him as soon as he starts to stir. Our crib is a hand me down from some friends of ours (thanks Joners!) and it's been perfect so far.
Mattress- I considered buying a really nice crib mattress but after talking to a couple friends it became clear I should just get the cheap one at Target, which we did. I think it was around $25-30.
Sheets- I picked up a couple crib sheets from Pottery Barn Kids strictly because I loved the prints and had some money to spend there. They aren't particularly soft but they do the job. A lot of people suggested getting the zip on sheets for convenience but I don't find the traditional sheets that hard to change. Since the mattress itself is waterproof I didn't get any additional waterproof mattress covers for the crib. Again, I am trying to be a minimalist.
Wearable Baby Sleeping Bag- I was so worried about the baby getting cold in the night, especially in our drafty old house. My best friend let me borrow a couple baby sleeping bags that her boys had used as infants and we loved them. When Topher finally let us swaddle him at night we stopped using the sleeping bags until just recently. I picked up this one from Baby Gap this last week and it's working great for us. If I had to buy one new I would recommend the Schlummersack brand. They seem to have a wide variety based on temperature and season. Brilliant!
Wipes- We've used the Kirkland Signature wipes from Costco from the very start and they've been great for us. They're nice and big and never, ever tear. I got a few Huggies wipes in a little reusable clutch and couldn't wait to get through them, they're always tearing and I end up with poop on my hands. EW!
Changing table/pad- Our nursery is on the small side so we decided to get a dresser we could put a changing pad on rather than going for a dedicated changing table. Do what works for you though. I considered purchasing the Peanut changer but in the end I couldn't justify spending $100 on a changing pad. I went with the Summer Infant 4-sided Changing Pad and I love it. I like that the sides are nice and high and it's like a little box. I feel like it's more secure. Buy a few changing pad covers so you have a spare to throw in the wash.
I have been breastfeeding and loving it! It does take up a significant portion of my day but honestly, you save so much money not having to buy formula. It's also a good excuse to escape and just spend time with you and the baby if you need to. This is where it's good to really invest in nice, good quality items because you will spend a ton of time using them!
Lactation Link- I found this gal through a friend of mine and I ended up purchasing her breastfeeding class videos just before the baby was born. I didn't feel comfortable going to a formal class and frankly, I ran out of time to do that before the baby so this format was perfect for me!
Nursing cover- I just use Aden + Anais blankets when we're out. I always have it with me anyway. I always said I would pay for a nice one but so far I haven't got to the point where I've needed to do that.
Nursing Tanks- I bought a few of the Target nursing tanks and I wear them almost every day. They're nice to layer under your normal clothes so that when you're nursing in public your stomach is covered when you pull up your shirt. I have yet to find a good nursing bra that doesn't drive me nuts but when I do I will try to remember to update this section.
Comfort items- The lactation consultant at the hospital gave me some gel pads to use for the first week of breast feeding and I loved them! I ended up getting another set on Amazon for the second week until I got toughened up a bit. I also slathered on the Lansinoh Lanolin all the time and loved the Lansinoh Breast Pads. They're nice and thin and are shaped to fit nicely. Also, this heat pack from CVS Pharmacy was like a little slice of heaven on clogged ducts and engorged boobs.
Breast pump/storage- I got the pump that my insurance covered and it works fine- it's Madela brand. I usually pump after the first feed in the morning and store whatever I get in bags in the freezer. Since I take the baby to a sitter once a week it comes in very handy to have excess on hand.
Nursing pillow- I thought this might be an unnecessary item but boy am I glad I have one! I think nursing pillows are a very personal preference item and their height and density varies greatly from brand to brand. I went with the Baby au Lait nursing pillow for a few reasons- it's taller than the boppy, it has a strap to keep it secure and one side is firmer than the other. Those things make it work for me.
Burp cloths- I love the Gerber Cloth Diapers for burp cloths. They're absorbent. What else can you really say? I have a few of the Aden + Anais burp cloths that were hand me downs and I like those too but the price to buy them new is a little prohibitive for me when the Gerber ones do a fab job.
Rocker/Glider- I spent ages researching which glider I wanted to get. Target sells a line of Little Castle gliders that are supposed to be amazing. I ended up finding a Monte Luca glider on Craigslist for less than half the price of the Little Castle Target gliders and it has been one of my favorite purchases. I spend hours a day in that thing and it is so comfortable! We have pretty narrow stairs and the Monte glider just barely fit, the Little Castle one wouldn't have been able to.
Onesies- I only bought four newborn size plain onesies. Four. And that was plenty. He sometimes had to wear his 0-3 month ones and they were quite baggy but we did laundry a lot and he grew so fast that he really just didn't need very many newborn size things. My favorite onesies are from the Baby Gap. They are nice and soft and have held up nicely in the wash. They are expensive but I just wait till there is a sale and scoop them up. There is always a sale at the Gap! The Carter's brand ones we have are getting thin and scratchier with every wash. They aren't awful but I am planning to buy Gap ones from here on out. I think we probably have about 15 plain onesies total for him right now and that makes it so we don't have to constantly be doing laundry.
Pajamas- Snaps are your worst enemy when you first have a baby. I still get so tired of snapping for 5 minutes every time I change a diaper! Buy clothes with zippers! I really like the baby nightgowns because there are no snaps or zippers! Just add a pair of socks to keep those toes warm, I like the Baby Gap socks- nice and thick and don't ever fall off of his feet. I have probably 8-10 footie pajamas for him now that he's in 3-6 month size things. He's not growing out of them as fast as he did his newborn ones so I think having a few more is nice- cuts down on laundry frequency.
I found a few good sales on Rosie Pope baby clothes on Gilt.com and Zulily.com so I picked up a couple sets of pants and footie pajamas and have been very impressed with the quality. They have the cutest designs- not too cutesy or cheesy. I actually just found another sale on this brand a week ago and picked up 4 more footie jammies for $6 each. That's cheaper than Carter's or Target and I think the quality is much better with Rosie Pope.
Stoller- I knew I wanted a Baby Jogger stroller but I wasn't sure about the price point. When I saw that the Versa model was being discontinued and deeply discounted I jumped on it! It strolls so easily with one hand, has a massive basket and folds so quickly and simply! The City Select is just slightly larger and has the option of adding a second seat. **Mintarrow.com often has alerts when the Baby Jogger strollers go on sale, that's how I knew about mine**
Back seat mirror- Another thing I wasn't sure was necessary but so glad I have. Christopher loves looking in the mirror at himself and I can't tell you how many times I've been able to reach into the back seat and pull his hat out of his eyes because I could see it slipping in the mirror.
Diaper Bag- This was a huge decision for me. I really wanted to get the right thing and not feel like I was totally giving up on style. I bought two diaper bags (Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack and the Skip Hop Duo) during the Nordstrom anniversary sale at a deep discount and then returned one. I chose to keep the Petunia Pickle Bottom for a couple reasons, the biggest being that it is a backpack. I love that it leaves my hands free and that I can wear it on my back with the baby in the Ergo carrier on my front. It holds so much stuff and keeps it organized. I love the fold out diaper change pad- I thought it was a bit gimmicky at first but it has come in handy so many times! The hardware is really heavy duty and it seems built to last. I have friends that have had theirs for years through multiple kids and they are still going strong. All that being said, I think the price would have been prohibitive for me purchasing this if I hadn't kept my eyes peeled for a sale.
Travel bags for car seat & stroller- We love to travel and since we have a bunch of trips coming up we decided to invest in some protective bags to throw our stroller and car seat in to keep those things from getting destroyed when they get checked. I think it's a worthwhile investment but not necessary if you aren't planning to travel much with baby. The Baby Jogger Stoller bag was awesome, it has separate compartments for the wheels and really easy carry handles. The car seat bag can be worn like a backpack and that was so key on our last trip! It can also accommodate the big rear facing convertible car seats which is so great!
Miscellaneous Items
Baby Care- I love the Nose Frida snot sucker thing, so easy to use and does a really good job! Fingernail clippers with a light- genius! A little comb or brush if your kid has a ton of hair like mine. Thermometer, I like this forehead one but my pediatrician said to use a rectal thermometer for a more accurate reading so I might need to grab one of those too.
Baby Monitor- I let Thomas have full reign on picking this. I knew I wanted a camera but buying something high tech like that intimidates me a little. We went with this Foscam. We have a small house and can usually hear the baby crying without it but I love the when I am hanging out downstairs I can see if he's beginning to stir. I am sure we will get a lot more use out of it once he starts to be able to move around a lot more. I anticipate it coming in handy when he's attempting to break out of his crib during nap time.
ErgoBaby 360- I debated getting this item until we really had to have it but Thomas found a killer deal on it so we scooped it up. I didn't get the newborn insert and I am really glad I didn't waste the money on it. We didn't go out much at all when he was really little and when we did we just carried him in his car seat. We never would have used the insert for him. I love this thing for grocery shopping or going out to downtown Boston- you just can't do cobblestone with a stroller. It is really comfy to use and it was such a lifesaver when we were flying! I love the 360 and my sister-in-law with six kids in NYC swears by the traditional one. Her kids practically live in that thing until they can walk. Is this an essential item for every mom? Probably not, but if you're going to get a carrier I would definitely recommend it.
Things I bought and didn't use & things I thought I'd need but haven't purchased yet
SwaddleMe Wraps- I just couldn't figure out the velcro, our baby didn't like being swaddled when he was first born (weird, I know) and they were just too difficult to get on a sleeping baby. I much prefer swaddle blankets like the Aden + Anais ones.
Winter Clothing- My baby was born at the beginning of December so we had about six baby buntings gifted/handed down to us. I thought they would be great and we'd use them all the time but we rarely went out and you aren't supposed to have the baby wear anything puffy in their car seat while driving. We had one like this (not that exact one but I can't find ours anywhere online) that we used a couple times for walks around the neighborhood. I liked that you didn't have to stuff his legs into it, you could just lay it in the car seat, stick him in, zip it up and buckle him through the slit in the middle of the suit. I would not recommend buying one of these though. Just put out feelers for ones that are cluttering up your friends' closets. I am sure someone has a few in near perfect condition. I know I do!
White noise machine- I know parents that swear by these and I almost purchased one before the baby was born. He sleeps so soundly on his own most of the time that I haven't really needed one. Plus, I want him to get used to sleeping in a variety of places and sounds. Makes it easier for us if we want to take him out during nap time.
Swing or Mamaroo- Again, something that so many moms swear by. Out little guys is pretty content and sleeps like a champion so there just hasn't been much of a use for this in our house quite yet. I think we will definitely need to invest in some sort of jumping contraption soon though!
Baby bath tub- We just have such a small bathroom and I knew at first he'd be fine in the sink anyway. Now that he's starting to outgrow our bathroom sink I am considering getting him a little tub of his own but I am still going to wait until we really have to have it.
Diaper Pail- Since I am breastfeeding Topher his diapers aren't so smelly yet. We've just been using a normal trash can and it's been fine. Some of the diaper pails seem so expensive but maybe once we have smelly poo they will seem more worth it. I have heard good things about the Ubbi Steel Diaper Pail. I am waiting for the price to drop but we'll see.
Pack & Play- I got one of these because we were planning to have the baby sleep in it in our room. In the end I was a little nervous about it not being a flat surface so we put him in his crib from day one. He's been totally fine in his crib and we have only used the pack and play very minimally. I have it in my office and he will tolerate sitting in it for about 15 minutes at a time before he gets bored and wants down. I know this is an essential for a lot of parents but it just isn't for us. All that said, I do like that it's very light and easy to set up and move. I am sure when he's older it will come in handy for keeping him put while I shower or just need him to be contained for a while.
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