As I only have about 3 weeks left before this baby is here I figured I should write a little bit about how this third trimester has been. I think it's been the one where I have seen the most change. I went from thinking that hardly anyone could notice my belly to how could anyone miss this thing! I feel like the weeks have absolutely flown by and I can hardly believe that we have such a short time left before we get to meet this little creature we call Blob. (We actually have had a name picked out for a while but until I actually see his face I can't be certain that's who he is)
As the baby has gotten bigger his movements have become so much more pronounced and at times painful. It feels like there is a real baby in there! I think I even held on to his foot the other night when he was really stretching out. That made the whole thing a lot more baby and a less blob to me.
28 Weeks |
26 Weeks |
My body is definitely feeling the effects of trying to hold onto Blob. I have zero core strength left and if I stand or walk for too long I can feel the muscles at the top and bottom of my belly start to panic. My hips have totally lost all control of themselves. I sat on the couch Indian style for an hour or two the other night crocheting and the next day I was almost completely lame. I felt like my legs were barely hanging onto the rest of my body.
32 Weeks |
31 Weeks |
I feel like I've been a little more emotional the last few weeks, more so than at any other time in this pregnancy. I just keep anticipating that moment of holding little Blob for the first time and it stirs up a crazy mix of love, anxiety and excitement. I don't know if I have necessarily been one of those people who feels a super strong bond with the baby before it's born. He's just sort of in there doing his thing and that's cool with me. I know that will change once I see his little face and get to hold him in my arms though.
36 Weeks |
35 Weeks |
When you're obviously pregnant people treat you differently. It's not always a good thing, you get strange glances and comments wherever you go but it often pays off. We were downtown at one of our favorite restaurants and I really wanted their butternut squash ravioli. The only problem was that they didn't have it on the dinner menu that night, it had been on the lunch menu though. I pointed to my stomach and asked the server if there was any way the kitchen could make it for me. A few minutes later I was being served butternut squash ravioli.
37 Weeks |
The absolute BEST thing about being pregnant has been watching Thomas really embrace becoming a dad. At first I think we were both a little terrified of what was coming although it's something we'd been waiting on for a while. The other night we were driving and talking about how there are only a few weeks left and Thomas said, "It's like a dream come true, isn't it? I'm getting so excited!"
I love listening to him talk to our baby and say goodbye to him when he leaves for work and goodnight to him in the evenings. People are always halfway warning us that our lives are about to change FOREVER! and Thomas just seems to not mind that so much. Yes, it will be different and we will be parents for the rest of eternity but isn't that just the greatest thing you can imagine doing? I know we'll be in poop up to our eyes, I know it's extremely challenging but I am so glad that Thomas and I get to do it all together. He's my best friend and he's going to be a great dad!
Thomas has been working so hard in the nursery- putting up shelves and curtains, building the crib and getting everything ready.
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