I feel like the pregnancy brain has become REAL. It's not personal when I forget your name, to text you back or what we're currently talking about, my brain really has turned into a sieve.
The belly has definitely made itself known. It's becoming harder and harder to make my shirts cover the whole thing.
I started working on a little dresser I bought on Craigslist. I don't think it's a wise idea to work on a giant piece of crap that will never turn out the way you want because no matter how much money and time you throw at it, it's still just a piece of crap dresser from Craigslist. This is an especially bad idea when you're deep into the hormonal nesting stage.
I feel like little Blob is getting bigger and stronger every day. When I lay down to go to bed I swear he's in there doing this:
Once you start to look obviously pregnant people start giving you advice. It could be from the plumber that comes to fix your sink or the girl at the check out line at the grocery store. I honestly don't mind when friends or family give advice but sometimes I'm like:
All I have been wanting to drink is lemonade. I don't know if I have ever had so much lemonade in my life. There's something about the sourness that is just so satisfying!
The girls are getting bigger and bigger all the time (is that TMI? Oh well!)
I seem to have most of my energy back. There are fewer and fewer days where I come home from work and NEED to sleep immediately
I am still trying to have a reaction other than this when thinking about going into labor
Other things to note about the past three months- Thomas had his appendix out
He really is okay now but it was really lucky that I was starting to feel better when the tables turned and he was the one stuck to the couch, unable to do much of anything around the house. We actually went back to Utah and Idaho for the 4th of July and since he wasn't supposed to be lifting anything over 10 pounds I was doing all the bag hauling. We got some interesting looks from people as my burly husband watched his pregnant wife lift bags everywhere.
The final countdown has begun to where I won't be able to fly anymore and we'll be in hibernation due to winter and a tiny human for a few months. We've been trying to take full advantage of our relative flexibility now and have taken trips to Utah, Idaho and Seattle along with an upcoming trip to Hilton Head and Savannah.
I have loved watching Thomas' excitement for the baby grow! One morning he woke up and announced he would be building the crib that day. After 5 trips to 3 different hardware stores it turned out perfectly! He diligently tracked down the absolute best price on a certain Ergo Baby carrier I wanted, won the most adorable stuffed monkey for the baby at Dave & Busters, patiently painted the nursery and helped with some crafty things for the nursery.
^^ My creation on the left and Thomas' on the right^^ |
Before & After
I love the gray so much! |
I have to say that the second trimester has been really great! The constant carsickness has almost completely gone away, I pee a few less times every night and I have energy and enthusiasm back again. I think the first 16 weeks were such a tough mental game for me that it's made me really enjoy this middle part.
I think that all too often we only hear about the terrible parts of being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty rough going sometimes but overall it's been pretty great. I feel like it's been such a joy watching Thomas get excited to see Blob every day when he gets home from work. I love feeling how wiggly this little guy is when I drink a big glass of cold water. I love looking forward to snuggles and smelling Blob's sweet little face.
I love when people say weird things to me, it's entertaining if nothing else. I think it's a shame when you can tell people are trying so hard to ignore the fact that you're pregnant because they've all read a terrifying list of "10 Things to NEVER say to a pregnant woman". Let's all celebrate pregnancy and a new life, let's all just let whatever weird thing comes out of a stranger's mouth roll off our backs. Let's give all those future mothers something exciting to look forward to and be enthusiastic about rather than something to dread and fear.
*Steps down from soapbox*
And now a few pictures of me and Blob in the second trimester
16 Weeks |
20 weeks |
22 weeks |
24ish weeks |
26 Weeks |
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