I have loved having the chance to stay home with Christopher for the first weeks of his life. I feel like at first we just ate and slept with no rhyme or reason and although that might be frustrating for some, I loved it. We've fallen into a little bit of a routine lately so I decided to document each hour of our day to celebrate Topher's 8 week birthday.
7:00 AM-- Dad scoops Topher out of bed, changes his diaper and gets him ready for breakfast.
7-8:00 AM-- Breakfast with mom
8:00 AM-- Play time, snuggles with Dad before he leaves for work and general hanging out
9:00 AM-- Nap time, sometimes with mom. Okay, most mornings we take a nap at the same time. I am trying to break him of the habit of nursing to sleep but he still insists on it in the morning. He's a very polite nurser and always folds his hands when he eats. It is the cutest thing!
11:00 AM-- Fat roll inspection time! New diaper and new outfit followed by lunch for Christopher and lunch for mom. More snuggles and another nap.
1:30 PM-- Time for second lunch. This is where our day tends to loose it's structure. The afternoons are just hanging out, eating whenever he seems to be hungry, intermittent naps, sometimes errands. There is no norm during this point in the day yet.
3:00 PM-- Took a walk around the neighborhood to our friends house and back. It was 49* so we just had to get outside. We are having an unseasonably warm January and I am not complaining! This time last year we were under 3 feet of snow already.
4:15 PM-- Poops so hard it requires a full outfit change. Nurses for a few minutes but isn't too interested.
5:10 PM-- He still can't decide if he's hungry or sleepy. Tries out a new toy- bumbo chair. Not to sold on this one yet. Also, I know his bumbo is purple, it was a hand-me-down so that is just the color it is. Deal with it.
6:00 PM-- Dad gets home from work! Woo hoo! Baby has some dinner then mom and dad get some too.
7:00 PM-- play with his wrist rattles, he's still trying to figure out what the heck they are. A little bit of tummy time and some games with dad
8 PM Post dinner snack, a little fussing, more tummy time with dad
9:45 PM bath time! This kid loves his bath! He is so calm, his favorite part is when we wash his hair, he gets so calm and relaxed. We've learned to put his diaper back on after we wash his body and before we do his hair. He may have peed on us a time or two. I completely forgot to get a picture of this yesterday so this picture is from his first bath when he was just a couple days old. He still uses that shark towel and it's the most adorable thing ever.
10:15 last meal of the day. Sometimes it's a fight to keep him awake to eat and other times it's a fight to get him to bed. You just never know.
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This is real life- no makeup, blurry baby trying to head but/eat your face |
11:15 PM baby is finally in bed, sleeping like an angel. Sometimes he won't be asleep when I lay him down but he will calmly watch his night light change colors until he falls asleep. It is the greatest! He hasn't woke up in the night pretty much since we brought him home from the hospital so once he's down we don't usually see him again until about 7 AM. (He ended up sleeping until 8 AM the next morning!)
To all those who wonder if parenthood is a worthy use of their time and effort, to those who doubt their abilities or lack confidence to have children of their own- it is so much better than you imagine! You really can do it! It's difficult to describe but there is something about throwing yourself wholeheartedly into another human being that is so satisfying. It sounds counter intuitive but giving up everything to taking care of Christopher yields rewards that far outweigh any sacrifice. I am excited to see who this boy becomes and I am just so very honored to be his mom and be able to watch him grow and learn.